Forefront in Computer Science

About the Journal

Forefront in Computer Science (FCS) is a monthly open-access journal in computer science, published electronically by Scientific Forefront Journals. It is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal.

Welcome to FCS!!!


Forefront in Computer Science is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed, and refereed journal in English in the areas of computer science, published monthly by Scientific Forefront Journals in the form of electronic versions. Scientific Forefront is the publication of the journal over the domain that is implemented upon successful analysis and consideration via the peer review process, which comprises an expert crew of the editorial board and review team.


FCS publishes two issues per year, not including special conference issues.


FCS strongly emphasises high-quality research content and thorough peer review on all research and review publications, ensuring that we publish scientifically sound research across a wide range of computer science disciplines.


FCS is 100% focused on high-quality research content and thorough peer review of all research and review articles to ensure the publication of scientifically sound research across a wide range of computer science disciplines.


Manuscripts submitted to Forefront in Computer Science should:

  • Contribute to existing research.
  • Original and not published anywhere.
  • Present the data clearly and concisely.
  • Mention technical data and applications.


All submissions accepted by FCS are published under a Creative Commons license and are available for free in the FCS Digital Library. FCS has a team of editorial members and distinguished reviewers from prestigious academic institutions worldwide. The main goal of reviewers and editors is to maintain the high quality of publications. Papers submitted for peer review are processed through a state-of-the-art online manuscript peer review system, providing a fast and fair peer review process. Editors reserve the right to reject a submission without submitting it for review. FCS is not limited to a specific field of computer science but covers a wide range of fields of computer science.


The major subject areas covered by the journal are the following:

  • Encryption Security
  • Computer Vision
  • Human-Media Interaction
  • Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
  • Network & Communication Systems
  • Software & Tools
  • Theory & Methods


Almost all university scientific and engineering studies are part of a student's further education. For most computer Science, the goal of a career in industry is a motivation to pursue further studies, and this will increasingly be the case. FCS helps students achieve their goals.

Call for Paper

Last Date for Submission: Dec  27, 2024

Manuscript Submission at or Online Submission

Forefront in Computer Science” for submitting your next manuscript. We invite original and multidisciplinary research. We came across your published manuscripts, and we consider your manuscripts to be of high academic value. For information about manuscript submission, please see here: For Authors.

Therefore, we would like to submit it before Dec 27th. As we have revamped our journal portfolio, we also offer discounts on article processing fees. You can browse the current research topics and our new journals that are open for submission here: or

See How It Works

Editorial Decision
Post Processing

All submitted articles are assigned quickly to reviewers after an initial assessment for quality, alignment with the journal's specialties, and interest of our readers.

Manuscripts are assigned to independent reviewers, who provide us with a review report including a recommendation to the editors.

Editors decide whether to accept ( with no major or minor corrections) or reject the manuscript

The manuscript will be sent for post-processing steps such as copyediting, language editing, and copyrighting, and then will be scheduled for publication.