Minority or Not?: The World of Peasants in the Context of Courtly and Entertaining Literature: The Emergence of a Marginalized Social Class in the Medieval Public Discourse


  • Albrecht Classen Department of German Studies, University Distinguished Professor and Director of Outreach at the University of Arizon

Peasants in the Middle Ages, Hartmann von Aue, Der Stricker, Boccaccio, Heinrich Kaufringer, Elisabeth von Nassau-Saarbrücken, Books of Hours, social utopia


Even though courtly literature dominates our concepts of the Middle Ages, a more careful examination of the large variety of relevant documents confirms that peasants, above all, figured in many different texts, often ridiculed but often also identified as honourable and dignified individuals. At times, various poets focused on peasant women and idealised them as pure, virtuous, and beautiful, making them the ideal marriage partner of a knight or a prince. Major examples can be found in the works by Hartman von Aue, Der Stricker, Boccaccio, and Heinrich Kaufringer. Moreover, late mediaeval artists often projected idyllic rural settings in the illustrations of Books of Hours. As much as the courtly world seems to have ignored peasants, a closer analysis demonstrates that there were numerous circumstances where individual representatives of the rural class gained high respect.

Author Biography

Albrecht Classen, Department of German Studies, University Distinguished Professor and Director of Outreach at the University of Arizon

Dr. Albrecht Classen is University Distinguished Professor and Director of Outreach in the Department of German Studies at the University of Arizona. He was born near Bad Hersfeld in Northern Hesse, Germany. He studied at the universities of Marburg, Erlangen (Germany), Millersville, PA (USA), Oxford (Great Britain), Salamanca (Spain), Urbino (Italy), and Charlottesville, VA (USA). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in 1986. He has a broad range of research interests covering the history of medieval and early modern German and European literature and culture from about 800 to 1800, but he is also involved in contemporary literature, writing poetry and prose. He has published currently (Dec. 2023) 127 scholarly books, critical editions, translations, and textbooks. At the latest count, he has published 777 scholarly articles and 2925 book reviews. He is the editor-in-chief of the journals Mediaevistik, Humanities- Open Access. OnlineCurrent Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, and president of the Society for Contemporary American Literatur in German (SCALG),

He has served four times as President of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association. He also served as President of the Arizona Chapter of the American Association of Teaching of German (AATG) from 1993 to 2019. Since 2020, he is the President of the Society of Contemporary American Writers in German, which publishes its journal Trans-Lit2 twice a year. Since 2022, he has resumed the responsibility as President of the Arizona Chapter of the AATG.

He has also published currently 11 poetry volumes of his own and four volumes of his satires. He is the President of the Society for Contemporary American Literature in German (SCALG) and regularly publishes in its journal, Trans-Lit2. See also his many haiku on his Facebook page.

He has received numerous awards for teaching, research, and service, such as the Bundesverdienstkreuz am Band, 2004, the Carnegie Professor of the Year for Arizona, 2012, a Wikipedia entry (Bio Entry on Wikipedia.de: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albrecht_Classen), membership in the PEN-Zentrum deutschsprachiger Autoren im Ausland  (2016), a Festschrift, ed. Werner Heinz (2016), NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising, Certificate of Merit (Faculty Advising Category, 2016), and the DAAD AA Excellence Award in International Exchange (2020). In 2017, he was knighted as Grand Knight Commander of the Most Noble Order of the Three Lions. The American Association of Teachers of German (AATG) gave him the rank of Honorary Member in 2022. In Dec. 2023, he won The Literary Encyclopedia book prize for his book Freedom, Imprisonment, and Slavery in the Pre-Modern World (2021).

He lives in Tucson, AZ (watch this video), a semi-arid desert of many magical creatures, plants, and rocks.  It is really worth watching this video of Saguaro East.




How to Cite

Minority or Not?: The World of Peasants in the Context of Courtly and Entertaining Literature: The Emergence of a Marginalized Social Class in the Medieval Public Discourse. (2024). Forefront in Sociology & Political Sciences, 1(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14178448



Orginal Articles

How to Cite

Minority or Not?: The World of Peasants in the Context of Courtly and Entertaining Literature: The Emergence of a Marginalized Social Class in the Medieval Public Discourse. (2024). Forefront in Sociology & Political Sciences, 1(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14178448

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