Discussion on the Need for Sustainability Measures Due to Over Use of Natural Resources: with Reference to Technological Innovations and Individual Responsibilities


  • Junaid Nisar Research scholar school of studies in geography, Shri Venkateshwara University U.P
  • Towseef Mohi Ud Din Resarch scholar school of studies in economocs, Vikram University Ujjain M.P

Sustainability, Natural Resources, Innovations, Technological


The study determines the need of sustainability and the measures to be taken by different agencies around the world. As we know it is not an issue of a particular region or area, it’s the matter of whole world. So that the sustainability is a common issue for all, government level, international level, agencies, NGOs and other originations take this issue very seriously. As per the current data we find that due to the increase in population and urbanization there is a huge burden on our fixed natural resources especially forests, soil and water. And in recent time due to technology we observe poor quality of air and excess burden on our primary sector. So it is the responsibility of every individual to maintain sustainability of natural resources.


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How to Cite

Discussion on the Need for Sustainability Measures Due to Over Use of Natural Resources: with Reference to Technological Innovations and Individual Responsibilities. (2025). Forefront in Sociology & Political Sciences, 2(1), 13-16. https://doi.org/10.5281/bftjab08



Review Articles

How to Cite

Discussion on the Need for Sustainability Measures Due to Over Use of Natural Resources: with Reference to Technological Innovations and Individual Responsibilities. (2025). Forefront in Sociology & Political Sciences, 2(1), 13-16. https://doi.org/10.5281/bftjab08