ISSN: 3048-7617
Frequency: Half-Yearly
Publisher: Scientific Forefront
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Submission Date: 28, February 2025
Manuscript Submission: or Online Submission
“Forefront in Sociology & Political Sciences" for submitting your next manuscript. We invite original research. We came across your published manuscripts, and we consider your manuscripts to be of high academic value. For information about manuscript submission, please see here: For Authors.
Therefore, we would like to submit it by Feb 28th. As we have revamped our journal portfolio, you can browse the current research topics and our new journals open for submission here at or
Forefront in Sociology & Political Sciences is an open-access publication freely available for download and online access. Consequently, all published research publications will have increased exposure and citations. The journal aims to facilitate academic work on contemporary theoretical and practical elements of the social and political sciences. Scholars, decision-makers, and investigators are welcome to contribute their work at any moment. Humanities, Arts, Psychology, Anthropology, Government Studies, Political Sciences, Sociology, International Relations, Law, Public Administration, History, Philosophy, Arts, and Cultural Studies are just a few of the disciplines in which academic articles in the Social and Political Sciences are published.
FOREFRONT IN SOCIOLOGY & POLITICAL SCIENCES Published by Scientific Forefront under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 license. |
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