Forefront of Engineering & Technology

About the Journal

Forefront in Engineering & Technology (FET) is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes research papers & other mainstream research communications on a broad range of topics. FET is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal. 

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 7 (2020): Volume 2 Issue 7
Published: 2020-07-31


  • Skills Required by Farmers in the Processing of Cassava into Flour to Combat Hunger in a Depressed Economy in Kogi State, Nigeria

    Okeme Isaac, Ambrose A. Obhiokhenan, Bishie-Unung Stephanie Serdoo (Author)

  • Groundwater Potential Zoning in Kalahandi District of Odisha using Remote Sensing and Gis Techniques

    Thabile Goitsemang, Ch.Rajendra Subudhi (Author)
View All Issues

Welcome to FET!!!

Forefront in Engineering and Technology (FET) is a multidisciplinary journal that publishes research papers and other mainstream research communications on a broad range of topics. FET is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal.

FET publishes two issues per year, not including special conference issues.

In terms of research and innovation, we passionately push the boundaries of science, technology, management, and engineering every day by releasing cutting-edge, peer-reviewed research content in FET regularly.

FET strongly emphasises high-quality research content and thorough peer review on all research and review publications, ensuring that we publish scientifically sound research across a wide range of engineering and management disciplines.

FET is 100% focused on high-quality research content and thorough peer review of all research and review articles to ensure the publication of scientifically sound research across a wide range of engineering and management disciplines.

Manuscripts submitted to Forefront in Engineering & Technology should:

  • Contribute to existing research.
  • Original and not published anywhere.
  • Present the data clearly and concisely.
  • Mention technical data and applications.

All submissions accepted by FET are published under a Creative Commons license and are available for free in the FET Digital Library. FET has a team of editorial members and distinguished reviewers from prestigious academic institutions worldwide. The main goal of reviewers and editors is to maintain the high quality of publications. Papers submitted for peer review are processed through a state-of-the-art online manuscript peer review system, providing a fast and fair peer review process. Editors reserve the right to reject a submission without submitting it for review. FET is not limited to a specific field of science, engineering, or management but covers a wide range of fields of engineering, management, and science. The major subject areas covered by the journal are the following:

  • Communication & Networks
  • Transportation
  • Civil Engineering 
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Chemical Science & Technology
  • Agricultural Sciences
  • Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • Bioengineering
  • Computer Science
  • Construction Technology & Architecture
  • Textile Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering

Almost all university scientific and engineering studies are part of a student's further education. For most engineering and science students, the goal of a career in industry is a motivation to pursue further studies, and this will increasingly be the case. FET helps students achieve their goals.

See How It Works

Editorial Decision
Post Processing

All submitted articles are assigned quickly to reviewers after an initial assessment for quality, alignment with journal specialities, and interest of our readers.

Manuscripts are assigned to Independent reviewers who provide us with a review report including a recommendation to the Editors.

Editors decide to accept ( with no or major/minor corrections) or reject the manuscript

The manuscript will be sent for post-processing steps such as copy-editing, language editing, and copyrighting and then will be scheduled for publication.